Wednesday, October 20, 2010

how to play falabracman

This game is really easy to play just follow the steps.
  • the first thing you do is control the player.
  • next step is to make the word that is on the left corner.
  • get the first letter of the word on the top left corner.
  • and try to not touch the water thing in the map.
  • and try to complete the word in order.

1 comment:

  1. falabracman looks like a good activity to use with our HILT A and B students, since it will help them learn words. I wonder if it is possible to customize the word list used with the program?

    In the future, when you evaluate a game, please:

    1. Explain why you chose that activity.
    2. Provide relevant links (http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4215) to information about the activity.
    3. Describe how to run the activity (which you did in this case).
    4. Evaluate who might benefit from using the activity (What learning goals does it meet? For which age / language levels is it appropriate?).
